Valpolicella Classico DOC

Valpolicella Classico DOC 2016

The Valpolicella is the most simple and genuine wine of our area, coming form the direct pressing of fresh grapes. The vine varieties used are the typical ones: Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella and Molinara. This wine was traditionally part of the daily nutrition: for this reason, Valpolicella should have been a fresh and light wine even in old times.

In Gnirega we chose to produce a Valpolicella which reflects this tradition: we chose to exalt the natural features deriving from our grapes and soils.

Wine Characteristics

This Valpolicella is the result of a warm and dry vintage, similar to the vintage 2015 and 2017. The harvest began at the end of Septeber because of the vegetative stop occurred to vines in the midth of summer, caused by drought.
On the palate it is possible to feel hints of ripe fruit together with a nice acidity which make a light and drinkable wine. The alcohol content confirms the vintage trend, maintaining nevertheless a good balance.

Pressing date: 19th January 2016

Maceration on skins: 7-10 days;

Temperature control just above 30°C

Sulphur Dioxide and/or ascorbic acid: Sulphur Dioxide 5 g/hl
on must, no ascorbic acid.

Use of selected yeasts: No

Stabilization Process: static, spontaneous

Filtering: no

Clarification: no

Refinement in steel: 2 years

Refinement in bottle: min. 2 months.

Corrections: no

Wine yield from grapes (%): 70%

Bottle type: Bordelaise expo

Cork type: natural cork

Certifications: organic wine

Soil: Clay, chalky and very rocky soil.

Exposure: midday-evenings

Altitude: 300 m.

Vine variety: Corvina 40%, Corvinone 30%, Rodinella 25%, Molinara, Cabernet, Croatina

Type of farming: Pergola of Verona

Vine age: 3-40 years

Plant density (plant/ha): 3500-4000

Production vine (kg/plant): 2-2,5 kg

Production per hectare (kg/ha): 8,000-10,000

Treatment: copper e sulphur, sexual confusion

Fertilizer: manure every 3-5 years, according to the need.

Harvest: 30th September – 5th October 2016

Harvest Method: manual

Use of purchased grapes: no

Certification: organic agriculture.

Alcohol content: 12,8% vol

Total acidity / volatile acidity (g/l): 6,13 / 0,32

Dry Extract: 24 g/l

Total sulphur dioxide: 25 mg/l

Residual sugar: 0,6 g/l